If synergy is two energies –

Synergy with varied forces
Synergy with varied forces

That both overflow creating a new third energy and both continue to exist; either reduced by the loss of that energy or by the influence of that third new thing; or continuing unchanged without interference from that third thing (which is highly improbable); or continuing to exist in an enriched mode benefitting from that new thing in such a way that a synthesis occurs between the two original energies and the new form of entity sparked by their first moving synergy;

Then what is symbiosis?

Two lives creating a new third life absorb themselves into and making themselves part of that new third life. By choice, or by chance, the two original lives cease to exist in their original form, either giving way to the other and becoming so much part of the other that you cannot clearly distinguish who is who; or the two lives are absorbed by the third life in such a way that they no longer are discernable in their original form:

Symbiosis with varied forces

This basically happens in four ways: the first life is absorbed by the second, or the second is absorbed by the first, or it goes either way without any discernible traces as to whose initiative is the driving force; or either of the two pushes the other into its own flow of life in such a way that the latter is the dominant part in that symbiotic life; or the third life equally absorbs the two original lives; or the third life absorbs them in a differentiated way, one or the other being the relatively more discernable; or the third life absorbs the two first lives in such a way that they are no longer discernable.

This symbiotic process occurs following five basic modes: the first or the second life either actively offers itself to the other in the symbiosis; or the first or the second passively lets the other draw it into the common life; or the two lives mutually/simultaneously actively offer themselves to the other pushing towards the third; or the two of them both passively let themselves swallow and unite in the third; or the third actively causes or passively awaits the two former lives to join and become that third life.

Finally, there are three different regimes of governance according to which the relations (between first two lives and the third new life) within that symbiosis may be characterized:

Either, the relationship between the lives in the symbiosis may be characterized as mainly being held together voluntarily, forcibly, or equably; the relationship between the two first lives need not characterized the same ways as does the third life’s relation to the first two; and each of the first two lives need not relate to the third life in an identical manner;

On a temporal level, these governing regimes need not always be the same during the process into and in the state of symbiosis. END

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